Women have been behind almost every major technological advancement of the 20th and 21st century, and have rarely gained proper recognition. We want to change that.We want to foster the next class of diverse game makers. Kill Screen and Intel will hand-pick 15 young women interested or already involved in the world of games and sponsor their attendance to this year’s festival.
The Kill Screen Festival Scholars is a four-month program that pairs female participants with female mentors in the field of game design and technology with general instruction, resources, and advice in how to break-out in a male-heavy industry.
At the Kill Screen Festival, participants will be paired with mentors, based on background, interests, and skill-set and will be given designated time to speak with their mentors at the conference. From there, they will enjoy a full day of panelists and will meet a month later for their first set of classes.
Mentors will provide the week-to-week support for the scholars through phone calls, emails, and online message boards. Additionally, you’ll be connected with “Godmothers:” women more active in tech and games who will serve as occasional touchpoints for advice and access through video chats and on-site visits.
Over the course of four months, you’ll get a crash course in game design. The final project: A playable title to release into the world.
This year, applications are open only to those that identify as female by gender identity in the NYC area.
Presented in partnership with Intel.